本週就是台北同志遊行, 台北知名同志地標 ANIKi World of Wonders 也推出了眾多派對, 滿滿的不同主題派對任君挑選, 到台北怎能錯過???
遊行驕傲週末派對滿檔 今晚精彩揭開序幕
一年一度的同志大遊行即將於本週末登場,今晚開始 ANIKi 一連六場派對盛情款待各地到訪佳麗,體驗超優質派對活動。
Pride Weekend Party Extravaganza Starts Tonight
Welcome to Taipei! ANIKi greets all guests from all around the world to enjoy our extraordinary parties coming up this weekend.
REMINDER: All recreational used chemicals, alcohol excluded, are illegal drugs according to local regulations. Manufacturer, transporter, seller, and bearer of any kind will be prosecuted. Violator onsite will be deported immediately and reported to the authority.